Muslim American Society DC

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Your heart gets sick as does the body يمرض كما يمرض البدن

Written By Tamer Ammar, and translated by Osama Helmy

سألت شيخي … ياسيدي :

اخبرني عن قلبي؟؟؟!!

فارشدني قائلا

ان قلبك يا بني يمرض كما يمرض البدن … وشفاؤه في التوبة

ويصدأ كما تصدأ المرآة …وجلاؤه الذكر

ويعري كما يعري الجسم ….وزينته التقوي

ويجوع و يظمأ ….و طعامه وشرابه …المعرفة والمحبة …والتوكل والإنابة .

فاللهم اصلح قلوبنا

I asked my sheikh: my teacher…

Tell me about my heart?

He gave me the following guidance:

My son, your heart gets sick as does the body. Its cure is repentance.

It rusts as does a mirror. Remembrance of Allah polishes it.

It becomes exposed as does our bodies. Its ornament is consciousness of Allah.

It gets hungry and thirsty. Its food and drink is knowledge (of Allah), love, reliance and returning to Allah.

Oh Allah, purify our hearts.